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We are result oriented SEO services provider in USA, UK, Australia, Canada And Singapore

Digital Marketing Services

We are result oriented SEO services provider in USA, UK, Australia, Canada And Singapore

Digital Marketing Services

We are result oriented SEO services provider in USA, UK, Australia, Canada And Singapore

Digital Marketing Services

We are result oriented SEO services provider in USA, UK, Australia, Canada And Singapore

Digital Marketing Services

We are result oriented SEO services provider in USA, UK, Australia, Canada And Singapore

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Sit Idle On Internet When You Can Use It To Mint Money! Here’s How…

There would hardly be somebody who would not like to make some extra money if given a chance. As long as you have some free time, that zeal to earn money and a little bit of creativity, internet proffers you with a number of ways to earn money from the comfort of your own home. Here are a few most popular ways to make that quick extra buck through internet.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. In this type of marketing the affiliates show the ads for the businesses on their own website and get paid if the customers click on their ads and visit the website of the respective business. It has become an effective technique that many ecommerce websites are employing for continued sales and growth. It is a wonderful way to cover a large part of internet space with a very little effort by you.
Estimated Earning / Month: Rs 15,000 to 1.5 lacs(approx)

Google Adsense

A Google program where you can host pay-per-click ads on your Website, Adsense lets you earn money when someone clicks on these ads. It’s as simple as that! You can easily earn big money through your blog and if you already have a blog with a devoted following, it even becomes easier for you to earn good revenue through your blog. Ad networks such as Google AdSense pay big money to place their ads on your site as you get paid every time someone clicks on the ads. You can of course go ahead and let the ads occupy every spare pixel on your site however, if you place your ads well as in maintaining their relevancy to the interest of the readers, you will possibly make a better income from your site.
Estimated Earning / Month: Rs 9000 to 50,000(approx)


If you have flair for witting then you can utilize it for earning big income through blogging. Blogging not only helps you earn money through adsense but you can also make money by writing blog for other sites, which also brings traffic to your personal blog. The more traffic you have on your blog, the better results you get in all the aspects. Besides, there are various ways you can earn money through blogging such as by writing as reviewer, financial analyst, commentator and more. As far as creating a blog is concerned, you don’t even need to pay anything and can start a completely free blog on either WordPress or Blogger.
Estimated Earning / Month: Rs 5000 to 25,000

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to Bring Targeted Traffic to Your Website through Social Media

“People are almost crazy about social media; let’s use this craziness to grow your business. “
It is not for the first time that we are talking about social media and its advantages. And so, I think I need not tell you why you should invest in social media for marketinghow it can generate revenue for your business or what guidelines you should follow to make money with social media.
In this article, we are going to talk about something, which happens to be the first thing you do in a business while doing inbound marketing. Moving the customers down the sales funnel comes later, the first thing that you need to do is to attract visitors to your website. There are many channels in digital marketing through which you can accomplish this task. Social media is certainly one and the most promising of them if you know how to utilize it well.
Here are 9 tips to attract visitors to your website using social media.


While setting up a profile or posting something on social media, make sure you keep your business related keywords in mind and employ it wherever required whether its is your Twitter Bio or Linked In profile description and so on. As far as finding appropriate keywords is concerned, you can use Google’s Keyword Search Tool.

Website URL

Never forget to include your website URL in your profile. Besides, if you add your URL to the About section of your Facebook page and your Bio on Twitter, it will become a live hyperlink.


Like you need to do it in case of Facebook or Twitter , you need to include your website’s URL in your Linked profile as well. The only difference is in case of LinkedIn you change the label from the default company website. Besides, you can add your business name if you select ‘other’. LinkedIn offers you to add 3 links on your profile, make sure you use all 3. One more things that’s important is to link to sections or pages within your website such as blog or services especially if your website is your only web presence.


In case you have a venue based business, you should have a Yelp profile and while setting it up make sure you add your website URL to it. It helps people find your website through Yelp. Even services like Apple’s Maps app use Yelp data.

Google Local

A wonderful tool for venue based businesses; Google Local was previously called Google Places. While setting up a Google local profile, make sure you include your website links, photos and videos to make it stand out. Besides, it also boosts your visibility on Google search.


Again, if your business is venue based, a Foursqaure profile with your offices or premises listed on it really helps. People can find you through Foursquare and check-in when they visit.


Pinterest has gained immense popularity in last two years and has become the world’s third largest social network proffering you with an opportunity to attract more and more potential visitors. Just keep in mind while using Pinterest that the website URL you have mentioned is verified. Uploading photos and videos with links back to your website can drive lots of traffic to your website.


Make sure you do not miss any opportunity of linking your posts back to your website and provide value to the users. For instance, if someone on Facebook wants your phone number, post them the number and add a link to your Contact Us Page with it.


If you are looking to enhance your visibility on search engines especially Google, a Google+ account really helps. So, creating a profile both for yourself and your business is a very good idea. Besides, you can add an unlimited number of websites so make sure all your websites, blogs and social networks are displayed.

Implementing the above mentioned tips will help encourage more visits to your website. However, let me tell you a fact that you can of course bring traffic to your website through these tips but at the end of the day it is your website that is accountable for conversions and that it must provide value. Otherwise, all your efforts will go in vein if the website isn’t providing value. Social media is indeed a boon for marketers but that you have to keep others factors in mind as well.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Digital Marketing: Complete Process in a Nutshell

India has become more aware of digital marketing than what it used to be almost a decade ago. Now if you think about marketing your business the first thing that strikes your mind is to go online or say go digital. Still you will find so many people around who don’t know what actually is digital marketing, in spite of the fact that they have been practicing it knowingly or unknowingly, being a customer or may be a marketer in some of the cases.
So for them who still need to make their concept on digital marketing clear here in this article we are going to discuss solely about digital marketing and its process.
“Digital marketing as the name specifies is marketing over the internet through various digital devices.” Although television and radio today fall under digital devices still if exclude these two from the list, marketing through rest all digital devices is digital marketing. We also call it online marketing, internet marketing or web marketing.
What is Digital Marketing process?
Digital marketing process is a systematic method to effectively conduct digital marketing for your business.
Following are the steps involved in digital marketing process in a subsequent order


How do you make your target market know that you exist? Perhaps by advertising on TV, Radio, newspapers, web and so on. So in a way you do it by getting yourself visible. What so ever be the mode. Isn’t that?
In digital marketing visibility is to get you visible on web, a place where your potential customer can gather information about you.
How to get visibility?
You can get visibility in form of a website, blog, posting articles on various offline and online channels, displaying banner ads on targeted websites, by having a Facebook fan Page, by strating a group on Linked In , by running a video on You tube and so on.

Bringing targeted traffic

Once you have the visibility, you do some kind of activity in order to reach out to your potential buyers and bring them on your website. It is consist of two steps, which are:
Step 1:
Reaching out to people who are looking for your product or services. Let’s suppose you are an advertising agency providing advertising solutions and there is somebody who need advertising solution in Delhi and he searches for it on web typing in ‘advertising solution in Delhi ‘ and your company shows up with all other results. This person is actually someone who is already looking for you and you only need to reach out to him and bring him on your website.
Step 2
Reaching out to people who are not looking for your product or services but are a part of your potential customer base.


Your end objective is to get some sales, for that you need to generate some leads and for generating leads you must engage your customers, you must make them do some activities on your website. Not everyone who visits your website has a buying intention. So serve the purpose for which they have visited your site, it could be anything, they might have embarked upon your website just like that while browsing the website so do some activity to engage them. Let that person do something on your website and this is what we call engagement.
Lead Generation
Once you engage people, you generate leads. It can be micro or macro leads. Now, what is micro and macro leads.
Micro Leads
Micro leads are those lead which although have been filled up by people however they are not interested in buying your product at that point of time. For example, a lot of people have downloaded your white paper or e brochure or have subscribed for your blog or newsletter and you got some information, you got some activity going on your website by your target customer however they are, at this point of time, not interested in your product or services or rather not ready to buy them.
Macro Leads
Macro leads are those leads in which the person is more interested to buy and they have filled up an important lead. For example inbound call, someone subscribing for free trial or someone walking in to your center. Macro leads are actually those leads in which chances of visitors getting converted into customers are higher.
Once you convert, it results into sales. You generate micro leads, you nurture them and convert into macro leads, and then you nurture your macro leads and convert them into sales.


Best thing about digital marketing is that it is not only cost-effective or has wider reach but that you can also measure it at its every part. You can track and measure every single penny that that you spend online. You can calculate ROI on every single penny spent, can figure out which channel are not performing well and can make investments accordingly. Suppose a particular channel isn’t performing well, so you can relocate that budget on a better performing platform. This is how you can increase sales and increase revenue in same amount of money.
You do this through Web Analytics, which is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data over the internet for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.


The last step of digital marketing is retention. Retention is getting the same customer back to your website and selling again. You can do this through email marketing, Re marketing and so on.

So this was the digital marketing process in six steps, starting from how to make your potential customers aware of you to bringing them to your website, engaging them, converting them into leads, converting leads into sales, measuring the performance of marketing campaigns and finally retaining the customers. Please let us know in comments it was helpful and if you have any query.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The number of mobile internet users in India will reach 155 million by March: A Report

Last few months have seen a great augmentation in the number of people using mobile internet in India. Talking about the month of October 2013, 86 million users in India were found accessing Internet through mobile. And this number is believed to reach its double in just a span of six months.
Recently, Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) did a research and generated a report that suggests that the number of people using internet on their mobile handset is expected to reach 155 million by March this year. And within next three months i.e. till June this year it is believed to reach 185 million. So if you evaluate, about 100 million new users are going to be added in only eight months since the October data. The number of people accessing internet on mobile had reached 110 million in the month of December 2013, as per this report.
“The number of mobile internet users is going to reach 155 million in India by the end of March 2014, and 185 million by June 2014, maintaining a quarter-on-quarter growth of 20 per cent,” a report by IAMAI and IMRB International said.
Talking about the figures related to the urban India, the report reveals that the number of mobile internet users in Urban India will perhaps reach to 126 million in March this year from 103 million in December 2013 and further touch 153 million by June. However, when it comes to the rural India, the number is supposed to increase from 27 million in December 2013 to 32 million users in June 2014.
The report also talks about the average revenue per user (ARPU), which went down to down to Rs 387 from Rs 460 in 2012. And, the amount spent on mobile Internet has reached to 45% in 2013 from 43% in 2012.
The report also reveals that the 35% of the mobile Internet users have been spending between Rs 100 and Rs 500 monthly on their phone. In fact, 9% of mobile internet users are believed to be spending more than Rs500 and only 6% of them are spending less than Rs 100 every month.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

14 Tips to Accelerate Your Local SEO Success in 2014

Yet another splendid year for marketing is going to pass by and we are all set to make new resolutions and set new goals for the coming year. Now there is something that many marketers usually put in their backlog of ‘to do list’ for the entire year, which we call Local SEO. Perhaps because, it seems a bit complicated to them, but then it is quite effective in bringing the local traffic for your business especially if you have just started it out. Moreover, it is not at all complicated if you are aware with the correct ways of practicing it.
Besides, the New Year is knocking at the door and we had so many updates this year that have an impact on almost everything we do in marketing including the local SEO as well. Obviously, there would a change in the tactics that we had been practicing to accelerate our local SEO success. Here is a list of things you should be doing to boost your local SEO success in 2014.

Create a Google+ Local page

Creating a Google+ local page will help you manage your business and location listing that you have on Google places and Google maps and will eventually boost your online visibility. Make sure the page is up-to-date with a photo and all relevant information. Connect to your social media profiles, and create content to make your business brand appear as good as possible.

Register for Google Authorship

Get yourself Google authorship and set up your page as a publisher. It not only tracks your identity but also gives you credibility that can only be given by Google verification.

Make use of Pinterest Place Pins

Register with Pinterest and make use of its tool called Place Pins that helps consumers find local small businesses. By producing visually engaging content, you can get more consumers for your business through this tool.

Check for duplicate local listings of your business

Multiple listings impact your business rank in search engines negatively so you must delete any extra entry of your business in local listing. You might not have created more than one but sometimes when you business name changes its title a duplicate listing accidently gets created. You can make use of the website-‘’ as far as finding duplicates is concerned.

Get registered with Foursquare

Foursquare is a wonderful platform that makes customer to visit your website again and again. It also offers a network through which you can stay connected with your customers. Remarkably, there no charge for business listing and app profile.

Get reviews from your customers

Good reviews not only help you demonstrate that your business provides value but they also help you rank higher in Google’s ranking pages. So asking your customers for reviews on your product and services is a good idea. However, businesses get penalized by Google for biased reviews so try asking your customers for a real-life review in a much unbiased way.

Make sure your website content is location-specific

Search engines while crawling your website see it as valuable and targeted to local searchers if you have location-specific web pages and content. Your blog posts are however not included in it.

Submit your site into local directories

Getting into databases will give you more exposure and you can easily do it through directories, which are connected to a number of local listing sites that display businesses in their search results. Some of the most famous directories are yelp, merchant circle and so on.

Add city and state to the title tag of your website

People usually overlook the practice of optimizing their website’s title tag but you should always optimize your business for its physical location. This will make your business to rank higher than others especially in case of mobile searchers, which cover a large part of the consumers.

Involve yourself more actively on Social Media

You have to be on social media if you want people to easily recognize you. However, being more active on social media doesn’t mean to sell all the time as the main purpose of people on social media is to get engaged more than anything so keep them engaged by constantly producing good and informative content.

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile

It is evident from the way people are getting on mobile devices this year that 2014 is going to be year of the mobile platform. So if you do not have a website optimized for mobile or say a responsive website, you are for sure going to lose a lot of business, for more than half of the consumers will be on mobile devices.

Do market research and update your keyword list

As far as boosting your organic local search traffic is concerned, you must research and update your targeted keyword list to do so. The market is ever changing and that make sure you identify its needs before your competitors do that.

Build links and citations on high quality websites

2014 is going to be a year when digital citations will be required to boost your local presence more than ever. Moreover, if your address is mentioned on high authority sites, local and web search will weigh more.

Use a local phone number

Local SEO for your business would need you to localize every aspect even if it is your phone number. By doing so you would be able to track which demographics are calling you. The more details you have about your potential customers, the easier it will be to convert them into sales.

These were fourteen tips that will help your business augment its website traffic from local searches. You need to give some time to local SEO however once it is on the track your website gets rewarded by the search engine for offering a valuable user experience. Make use of the above mentioned tips to optimize your website for the search engines and harvest the ultimate results.